Dear IAMA members and friends,
We are fast approaching our Annual Scientific Meeting to be held at the Peppermill Resort Hotel in Reno, Nevada, on May 21st and we are hoping that many of you will join us there.
Please see the following link for information
The title this year is ‘Adapt to Survive’. Simon May, Programme Chair and his team Pat Baylis, Jim Chung, and Justin Flatt have put together a fantastic scientific programme details of which can be seen via the link. Tom Bettes has been quietly working in the background organising Sponsors and Exhibitors, and liaising as required to ensure we have appropriate rooms and audio equipment
Please do register as soon as possible and let us know whether you are attending the dinner on the Saturday evening. It’s so very helpful to have numbers in advance!
The Executive Council Meeting will be held on Friday, May 20th at 16:45 in the Lakeview room. The Annual Business Meeting will be held following the Scientific Meeting on Saturday the 21st. All members are welcome, but please remember that only Active Members may participate in voting. The Award Dinner will be held in Capri 1+2, reception starts at 6:30 and dinner at 7:30. Please purchase your dinner tickets soon as seats are limited.
We will also have the Ralph Fennel Scholarship winner, Dr Dr Galym presenting to us, and our thanks to United Airlines for their ongoing support of this program.
Great news again from our wonderful treasurer Matt who says, “We have decided NOT to collect dues again for 2022, given the very healthy status of our Treasury and having now missed 2 in-person meetings in a row in 2020 & 2021. By now, all IAMA members should be in receipt of at least one e-mail message from the Treasurer, sent in early March of 2022, advising of your dues status & prior payments for the conference & dinner tickets from our cancelled 2020 meeting. Please read that e-mail carefully, and respond accordingly with payment action as necessary. If you need to pay for outstanding dues from prior years, and/or pay for the conference attendance fee & dinner ticket(s) for our upcoming meeting in Reno, there is a "Payments" section within the Members-only section of our website with options to pay via either a Credit Card or PayPal. Even if you do NOT owe any money for dues, and have already previously paid for the conference & dinner ticket(s) with your 2020 payment, I ask that you please send me an e-mail and let me know of your intent to attend this upcoming conference & dinner in Reno; we want to have as accurate a count of attendees as possible in advance to assist with planning both the amount of food for lunch, as well as total number of dinner attendees”. Any questions, please contact our Treasurer Matt Dumstorf directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
As many of you know Petra is stepping down as Secretary this year after many years of service to the Association. We are so appreciative of her tireless work on behalf of the members, and it will be wonderful if many of you can join us in thanking her personally in Reno. We are also thankful to Ian Mollan who is taking over as Secretary and has been working with Petra over the last few months to ensure a smooth transition.
I am pleased to report that we have negotiated an extended contract with Fresh Ideas for our website support. Please do check the website out at, and it would be extremely helpful if all members could visit the site and update personal details. We also have much talked about IAMA lapel pins ready for all members to be collected in Reno. Many are still affected by the pandemic but as we start to adapt, borders are opening and commercial flights are increasing along with passenger numbers. I hope that you, our members along with your families have remained well. In closing I’d like to thank all the IAMA Officers who continue to work diligently for the Association. If you would like to become involved, please do speak with myself or any of the officers as we would welcome more members to help in volunteering their time and skills.
Look forward to seeing you!
Liz Wilkinson
President, IAMA